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You are visiting an archived website of the University Library in Belgrade that was functional up until 2013 and is not being updated since. Please visit unilib.rs for current information and resources. Thank you!
Itinéraire Balkanique

Web: Under Construction

Status: In progress

Duration: 2011-2012


The goal of this project is to integrate parts of digitized collections of travel writing in French, referring to the Balkans and make them available to all users in the world through the project's online portal.


Description of activities

Libraries will digitize the most important Balkans itineraries from their collections, that were written in French from 17 to 19 Century. Digitized publications will be freely available in four languages on project's portal and on partners' websites. The most significant publications will be searchable in full text, which will make data and illustrations easily visible.


Email: Danica Filipović
Phone: +381 11 337 212