In the University library “Svetozar Markovic” in Belgrade you can find publications using electronic catalogue OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). From 1989. we used both, electronic and card catalogues. From 1998. we do not updated card catalogue. Frequently used publications are recorded in the electronic catalogue too. The loan is automated, so patrons can confirm in electronic catalogue if publications available for loan or not. The electronic catalogue is freely accessible via the Internet 24 hours a day.
There are 3 modes of search for online catalogue: beginners' mode, intermediate mode and finally advanced mode.
You can also use our instructions and leaflets, for effective and efficient information retrieval from our rich collections about your area of interest.
In the ALPHABETICAL CARD CATALOGUE of books and Ph.D theses, cards containing the bibliographic record are sorted alphabetically, according to the first authors’ surname, or based on the title, in the case of works by anonymous authors or those with more than three authors. The alphabetical card catalogue is divided into 4 parts: according to alphabet ( Cyrillic or Latin) or year of publication ( before and after 1963.)
In the SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE, the cards are sorted according to the scientific disciplines they belong.
Separate catalogues:
- The central catalogue of books from University in Belgrade – from 1930.
- The alphabetical and chronological catalogues of old and rare books
- The catalogue of the Vojislav M. Jovanovic-Marambo library
- The catalogue of illustrations in old books and serials
- The catalogue of archive documents and pseudonyms.